Friday, January 27, 2012

For the Writers:

Writing is beautiful. It is a fine art just as singing or dancing. The different in writing is that the beauty is not seen in the physical. The emotion that you get from the sound of a singer hitting all of the write notes or a dancer nailing all of her choreography has to be depicted without seeing, or hearing. What evokes the emotion you obtain from a great piece of writing is not tangible. The author must have such a way with words that you began to paint such a beautiful picture in your mind that the outcome is equivalent to that of going to a concert of any kind. Word by word must lace itself together unlocking parts of one’s imagination that they never knew they had, deeming it thought-provoking, and amazing. This must be achieved before anyone would think of writing being “beautiful”, and that’s the hardest part of it all. 



India A. Hill said...

Do you agree?

Trice said...

I agree. A piece of work should give the reader the roller coaster effect. The feeling of anticipation and a series of emotions. Writing is a performance just like any other. On a piece of paper, in poetry, being an author you wan to give the your all in order for them to have you admiration and respect. This is for all aspects of writing. Not just fiction, poetry, or glamour. Your words should resonate within the reader and inspire or envoke something within them.