The Reddlipstick Blog was founded August 1, 2010 by a female teenager named India Hill. The blog itself was inspired by her Journalistic Background, and yearning to voice her opinions, as well as her passion for writing.
The name The Reddlipstick Blog came about from a few things: To India,the color red reflects bold emotions: love, anger, passion, etc, and lipstick puts one in the mind of femininity- hence the tagline: "A blog based on Bold Femininity". India's favorite color is red, and was known for wearing red lipgloss as part of her signature look in high school. ReddLIPSTICK reflects India's maturity over the years as well as her obsession with her own lips.
The Reddlipstick Blog is a blog based on BOLD femininity; [however, there is a little something for everyone] bringing the readers advice, interviews, poetry, music, campaigns, etc. Our goal is to remind everyone how FUN reading can be. All blogs are seal with a kiss. Read&Indulge.

The Reddlipstick Blog by India Hill is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
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