BUT, this is ridiculous. Nina Simone, as you all know was the sassy, soulful singer from the 60s. With her lyrics celebrating her full lips, curvy hips, dark skin and nappy hair, you would think that Hollywood would the decency to cast someone who at least matched that description. so we could see the familiarity when we watch the movie. But Zoe Saldana? I respect her as a minority and a great female actress, but this is a women who identifies herself as Latina, AND NOT of African descent, celebrates her SLENDER frame with a lighter complexion. This is a direct contrast to the late singer.
Although I am of lighter complexion myself, this makes me angry. I feel as though Hollywood thought Zoe Saldana would suffice simply because she is a woman of color, when there are so many women out there that could have easily did this part more justice.Why couldn't they find an up and coming actress? Shoot, even though I have fair skin, I have nappy hair, full lips and hips and I'm so proud to be an African American women. Zoe Saldana has made it clear that she is not black, but is playing the role of someone who celebrated it. The way Nina looked was a huge part of her struggle and her music!!! How can I look at Zoe Saldana singing these same songs and take it seriously?? Things like this hurt.
Why would you cast a Latina female you basically have to put in Blackface and a prosthetic nose to portray a dark skinned women who's music was very popular in the Civil Rights Era?
I'm just waiting on the bashing of females of lighter complexions to begin: "People think light skin is so much better, that's what's portrayed in the media, that's why they are the way they are now.." blah blah blah. And I'm just as mad about this as anybody else is.
Thanks a lot, Zoe -_- and the casting directions for this movie -_-
This is just as bad as Angelina Jolie portraying Cleopatra. What is WRONG with casting directiors?
Read the letter from Nina Simone's family protesting the movie in outrage.They have tons of issues with this film being made, as well as the Zoe Saldana casting: HERE
I am on the fence about the big debate. I read about it a few days ago and I didn't necessarily agree with the points made. Zoe is an extremely versatile actress, she has played african american characters before and done them well, so I believe she does have the resume that would allow her to do so again. As far as the casting directors I believe the move was both strategic so the film would appeal to a broader audience and do better in terms of revenue. However, while they did consider that I do not think it was some terrible racial move. Actresses get selected for roles that don't always look like the individuals they are perceived to be ahead of time. (i.e- precious was not portrayed in the book as she was on film.) I think its more of how they embody the character themselves a lot of the time. Going back to Zoe Saldana's resume' she has played roles and exhibited the skill to be able to embody the sensual, passionate, strong role of nina simone...no, she doesn't look like her, but she could possibly embody her better than the other actresses that auditioned...the job of an actress is to play someone they aren't, lets hope the makeup team does their job well.(Idris Elba looks nothing like Nelson Mandela, but his name has come up as a top pick for the role in the biopic.) I think we make too much of a fuss about "BLACKNESS" in the african american community.She's dominican and puerto rican, I'm sure she can relate to blacks to a high degree...it's not like they cast angelina jolie.I really don't think its a race thing here, but of course we're gonna make it one.the definition of black that we always refer to is people of african decent...cuba gooding jr has played many a "black" role, but he isn't of african decent.
I like really like zoe as a actress and person from what I see!! She's not black and she never pretended to be and I respect that. I would blame the producers!! any actress needs work and has to make a living. she probably excepted because it is a respectable role
BUT the producers def could've asked someone else... It's crazy... But they've been doing this for years and it comes as no surprise. Hopefully our generation can change some of this madness.
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