It does IN A SENSE. Minus the "hoe" part. Let's face it, a man already knows where his loyalty lies in his chosen group of homeboys that he has probably has before you even came into the picture, which is all find and dandy for a while. Save the eye rolling and teeth sucking for when your man isn't paying attention, talk junk about his homeboys to your homegirls, that's good therapy.
BUT, with that being said, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed, and boundaries that shouldn't be set. Everytime you hang out it shouldn't be "My Man & His Friends, too". AND In no way, shape, or form, should the homeboys disrespect you or your relationship in anyway. That's when it's your man's cue to step in and say, "Chill out. I'll handle this." or whatever macho-type expression your man would say in that situation. I would say the only way it's acceptable for the maybe-future-Best-Man-Of-Your-Wedding to add his 2 cents would be to say something about the female in the relationship is if she is the crazy, life-threatening, clothes-burning type (without good reason, I mean :D) or just plain trifling. Then the homeboy has good reason to say "umm...your girl..she's crazy? she's dangerous? I fear for your life?" But even that comes with a few stipulations. They only have to say it ONCE. Homeboys value each others opinions, so Mr Boyfriend will think about what The Homeboys were trying to tell him and either A. Agree, or B. Don't. Leave it at that. Anything else The Homeboys have to say turns into nagging and over stepping his boundaries into the relationship. He's nowhere near a counselor; and more importantly, nowhere near IN the relationship. Too much input will let him think he is, which is so not the case, unless y'all are into that type of thing.
And ladies, yeah I know we do sometimes hate the times when we are just snuggling up with your man and in come Homeboy 1, 2 and 3 barging in with beer and video games (didn't the thought just make you grimace)? But suck it up sometimes. Only SOMETIMES, though, don't be a doormat! Learn how to play a video game, crack a joke here and there, be likable, even if you hate the Homeboy Trio that just ruined your romantic night. Because if you and the guys can't click, that's when the whole "Man Code" thing comes into play. You won't be able to roll out with the guys, and good things won't be said about you when your not around. Even if you don't care about that, if your not road-tripping with the guys anymore, you won't be able to ward off the females the Homeboy Trio may try to bring in! HELLO! But seriously ladies, until Marriage, when your souls become ONE (yeah, I went there) your guy already knows his loyalty lies with his friends. Your still in the works. UNLESS the Homeboys take it there offensively, rudely, or disrespectfully, your man isn't always obligated to have your side. Sucks right? But flip it around in your head with your homegirls. Yeahhh, different huh? (Maybe for some, I know alot of females who will throw their girls under the bus for their man. MAJOR FAIL.) So ladies, next time you, your man and his homeboys are around each other, lighten up, laugh it up and be that girl that they talk up real nice like after you leave (even though your man should already know that regardless), save your annoying thoughts. Talk the most junk about them with your homegirls when you get home, or even better, hook them all up! It's that simple!
1 comment:
This is funny but very much true lol
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