---As many of you have heard, Oscar-winning actor Laurence Fishburne's daugher, Montana Fishburne has recently decided to pursue a career in pornography with Vivid Entertainment, in hopes of becoming famous. "I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became, and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape," she says in a statement through Vivid Entertainment."I'm hoping the same magic will work for me. I'm impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities and this seemed like a great way to get started on it." [M.Fishburne refers to the sex-tape leaked of Kim Kardashian and Singer Ray-J.] **courtesy of ABC News**
I feel strongly about this; so I've decided to put my thoughts in letter form. Who knows if she ever sees it, but here goes.
Fame & Fortune. The Glamorous Life. I know it is all very appealing to the outsider looking in. And alot of people are trying to make it there, just like you. But tell me, Montana, is this really the way to go? Lude acts and exploiting your body will get you fame, alright, but it may not be the type that you are looking for. You can potentially always be known for what you can do in the bedroom, or how your body looks completely nude. Sure, Kim Kardashian did make a sex tape. One which she did not release on her own, but got leaked. In an recent interview on E! she expressed that if she could take it all back, she would. Kim Kardashian does not credit her explosion into Hollywood from said sex tape, but as a milestone in her road to success. But even if she did, why would you want to follow in HER footsteps, instead of your own? Make your own path, don't follow in others. Dwell on the path that was made for you, and take action. Take note that your father is an Oscar Award winner, but he didn't come into Hollywood as an Adult Entertainer. I could bet that your father would want to see you succeed in another way such as this? Have you ever thought of what you would to to maintain your celebrity status, if you made it there? I hope it's not more pornography. Focus on your God given talents, and go from there. Its so many roads to success if you really want it. Take the High one. You have too much opportunity to accept anything less.

** if anyone else wants to write a letter to Montana and have it posted email me at thereddblog@yahoo.com
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