Sooo can someone please explain the definition of GOOD HAIR to me??? Most Caucasians that I have surveyed say that good hair is considered to be thick and voluminous. In the African-American world, well, it's not that simple.
Good Hair can be considered LONG HAIR.
but sometimes, that's just not good enough.
because yea, LONG is okay, but not if it's long only because you have a relaxer.
**confused expression**
to have "Good Hair" it has to either grow in straight, curly, or wavy.
Anything but an afro.
Which is what ALOT of African-Americans have naturally, whether they remember or not.
Soo why isn't an Afro, the naturally tightly coiled hair alot of us were BORN with, considered GOOD?
WHY is it BAD? What's WRONG with it?
I can't tell you the amount of times I've heard phrases such as:
"Her hair's not good, it's NAPPY."
Or harsh words such as:
Why can't we be happy with the hair that is so closely related to OUR RACE??
Why is it that, the farther AWAY our hair is from that, the better it is??
Another form of self-hatred.
YES, I do have a relaxer.
And yes, I will use the excuse that relaxed hair is easier to manage.
Even though I can't sweat excessively, swim, or shower without my hair in mind.
Even though after I wash my hair, getting it back to it's relaxed state takes an hr to and hr and a half of labor.
Even though I have to put harsh chemicals in my hair every few months.
It's less of a stress, I guess.